Hate Crime Persuasive Speech

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Racism is the worst thing to ever happen to the world because it affects everyone in the process and it causes people to go crazy because they think they are superior or justify their actions and it also causes people to do bad things based on the opinion that they are to be held at a higher place in society based on the color of their skin. People like Hitler and others who have done atrocious things in the past or future need to be severely punished for their actions and grief they have or will cause instead of being protected once they are caught. If you were arrested for committing a huge hate crime you would be put into isolation or just be put away from the other prisoners so they won't kill you or beat you up for your protection. This should not happen, you should be treated the same as the other prisoners and after being put to death after your trial is over. If the crime you committed was a hate crime and left many people injured or dead you should then be punished by death because of the trauma you just caused and the loss of someone else’s …show more content…

They leave innocent people dead or injured just based on the opinion that they are “less” of a person in the eyes of the people who committed the crime meaning that the death is less significant because the person is “not human”. These crimes should not be treated as regular crimes and should be held higher and stricter than regular ones. Hate crimes are not just against race, they also happen because of a person’s sex, sexual orientation, disability and even religion. Hate crimes against Muslims have risen to surpass the 2001 level when 9/11 happened. These occurrences have been happening a lot in the 21st century. The first topic is where a group of white teens ran over and beat up an innocent black man just because of his skin

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