A Racism Experiment

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Racism, I have heard this term used all my life. Growing up in the South I would hear things from adults that were supposed to guide and build me into a respectable adult. Instead I heard that white was right, and if someone wasn’t white then they were treated differently. Racism is usually defined as a race issue; it is also linked to social standing, income and religion. The fight against racism is ongoing. There are many agencies that combat the violence and hate that is associated with racism.

During the 1930’s the greatest form of racism took place against the Jew’s. A quote from Adolf Hitler, “I have in the course of my political struggle won much love from my people, but when I crossed the former frontier (into Austria) there met me such a stream of love as I have never experienced. Not as tyrants, but as liberators.” (qtd. Wiestenthal.org). This quote shows how people have different views on racism. Adolf Hitler describes how he was welcomed into a country while other struggled to end the genocide that he had started. Racists have the view, if people don’t belong, or are different then they are, they should not be allowed to participate or live in the same areas or even to live at all. Herman Goering was quoted in 1938 saying, “Kick out the Jews from the economy and turn them into debtors.” (qtd. Wiestenthal.org). Hitler’s followers began to do this before the Jews were sent to the concentration camps.

Racism in American patterns the same thoughts as Goering. In New York’s Long Island a young Ecuadorian immigrant was murdered by 7 teens. The reason that this group of young people gave was that they wanted to kill a Hispanic person (Hannah and Schwartz).

On the news there are daily reminders of racism, a...

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...one of another race, we could work together to end hunger, drug addictions and homelessness. People would not be afraid to walk down the street in a bad neighborhood, because there would not be the social stigma on what area a person lives.

How can we work together to solve the issue of racism? It has become common in our language. It defines how we feel when we walk by ourselves by a large crowd. I think we have come a long way in ending racism, but I truly believe that there will always be a form of it, such as racial profiling.

To end racism, we need to teach our children how to respect themselves first. Then we should teach them how to love others, not for the color of their skin, or where they live, but for who the person is on the inside. If we live by these teachings racism would slowly cease. The world would be more peaceful with less fighting.

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