Hand Hygiene Policy

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Policy development and formulation are considered population-based interventions useful in affecting the nation’s health in a positive way (Porche, 2012). The policies must have a purpose and be goal driven. Policy and politics go hand in hand with each directly influencing the other. Healthcare professionals in all levels of care should strive to become politically knowledgeable and actively participate in policy-making decisions (Porche, 2012). Being politically aware allows healthcare professionals to influence government, workplace, organizations, and community policies (Porche, 2012). Healthcare professionals are powerful in numbers and their passion for policy decision-making and policy outcomes can generate beneficial changes for all …show more content…

Hospital employed health care professionals are exposed to potential contaminants on a daily basis. This is especially true for employees who work directly with patients or those who visit patient care areas. Employees must practice the proper safeguards to avoid subjecting themselves or others to unnecessary illness. Hand hygiene is a general term that applies to hand washing, antiseptic hand wash, antiseptic hand rub, or surgical hand asepsis. Proper hand hygiene removes or destroys microorganisms on the hands. Facility approved hand hygiene products must be used to disinfect the hands. This policy addresses all employees, medical staff, contract employees, vendors, and any person that has contact with a patient. Hand hygiene is the single most important action in preventing and controlling infection in health facilities. Organisms transmitted on the hands of personnel may cause many types of infections. Personnel must decontaminate their hands before and after contact with any patient and at the beginning and end of their shift. Staff members are permitted to carry hospital-approved hand sanitizer in their pockets unless it is contradicted by their department policy. Our facility has established specific procedures for all inpatient and outpatient settings that health care workers must abide by. The procedure list is very detailed and describes all of the situations in which hand hygiene is necessary. Our policy also encompasses the guidelines for hand hygiene, which explains how to properly decontaminate hands and what to avoid. It also states that a supervisor should evaluate personnel if they have any hand problems such as open cuts, abrasions, dermatitis, or draining

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