Healthcare Workers Prevent Infection

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Healthcare workers come in contact with so many different people every day they work. This includes patients, coworkers, and the general public who come in to visit. With all of this person to person contact, comes a high rate of infection if not properly dealt with. Preventing infection is one of the most important parts of a health care worker's job and they do it all day, every day. Infections come in all types from airborne to physical contact, they are easily attainable if the right measures are not taken to prevent them. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, is one of the most common infections healthcare workers see. It is easily spread by contact or through droplet particles depending on the type. It is "caused by a strain of staph bacteria that's become resistant to the antibiotics commonly used to treat ordinary staph infections". (2) MRSA can be on the skin of a patient creating a leaky wound, in the urine, or lying in the mucus of the lungs and being spread when the patient coughs. …show more content…

difficile, which "is a bacterium that causes diarrhea and more serious intestinal conditions such as colitis". (3) C. difficile is contracted by an extended use of antibiotics and then can be spread by contact with the patient who has it or objects they have come in contact with. The bacteria is not easily killed with regular antibacterial wipes for the objects. Everything has to be cleaned with a bleach cleaner. There are ways of preventing these infections, including hand

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