Hakluyt: The Ways England Would Gain By Colonization

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1. Answer: A. Hakluyt brought up several ways England would gain by colonization (consider points 3 and 13.) Defining the term “exploit” by the ways England would gain from the expenditure, answer A is the paramount and easiest answer. Concerning answer B, Hakluyt did favor mercantilism, but with the cost it would take to start colonizing, I have a hard time believing this was his primary reason, in case it would come back to bite him. While I’m sure economic efficiency (answer C) would be important to Hakluyt and to the queen, it is not referenced as clearly as a few of the other reasons, which leads me to believe it was not the primary reason. I had to consider answer E, as he does state, “That this action will be greately for the increase,

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