Mercantilism In The 13 Colonies

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In 1756, what today is the United States looked very different. Along the east coast of what is now America, there were 13 colonies ruled by Britain. Specifically the British King, King George III. Different groups of people all settled in these colonies, and there was little communication between them, as they were all very separate from each other. These colonies was a very important source of income to Britain, who used mercantilism to make money off of them. During the French and Indian war, the British had spent a lot of money and went into a lot of depts. As a result, Britain needed a way to make money.(A Nation Created) Britain began taxing members of the colonies.(Encyclopedia Britannica) The Stamp Act required that colonists put a Dew still dripped from the grass and from the rising sun long shadows radiated a calming feeling through my room. I rose and began preparing for school, but before long a shrill, harsh voice broke the peace of the tranquil morning. I rushed to my window and gently pressed my ear to it. The voices became clearer. “What… do you think?...I don’t believe... I think you you know?.” The conversation was inaudible. I resolved to find out for myself exactly what was happening. Dressing quickly and rushing to the door I peeked out and watched the unfolding scene. It was Mr.Turrner, our neighbor. He appeared to be in an argument with Mr.Humbin, who lived on the other side of town. “Sir, this license has not been stamped.” Mr.Humbin was explaining. “Mister, there ain’t nothin’ wrong with this license” “Mr.Turner these cards are illegal unless they are stamped, you could be arrested for this, but if you will stamp the cards-” “Now you just hold on there, this license is perfectly valid...” The conversation continued as I became aware of a new presence in the room and turned to find my father entering. He placed his newspaper at his seat, set breakfast on the table and we ate slowly, as we listened to the noise outside. “Dad, what's he talking about?” He glanced at me from behind the drabby gray paper “He is upset because Mr.Turner did not pay to get a stamp for his license.” This sounded funny to me. “Why would Mr.Turner need a stamp It would have been a common situation in 1765 because there was so much trouble with Britain. It might have been hard for a younger person to understand the importance of what was happening at that time. I’m sure many families disagreed on the subject. It was a very controversial thing in 1765. Eventually, in 1766 the Stamp Act was repealed because colonist refused to comply.(Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia) There were more acts from Britain after that, including the Quartering Act, Intolerable Acts, and Townsend Act. Eventually the colonies conflict with Britain would lead to an all-out war which, against all odds, the colonies would win. The colonies then created their own government and became what we now known as the United States of America(A Nation

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