Hair Response Essay: Hair Concert Review

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Hair Reaction Paper
I attended the Saturday evening performance scheduled from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm, my seat was located right at the center in row D. Again, by right at the center I mean I was in the middle in the center of the Joliet Junior College thrust stage. Moreover, I would have to say that my seating arrangement which happen to be right in the middle for the musical impacted my view of the musical in a positive way, I could overlook most of the miniscule details that happened onstage more easily, whereas if I was seated elsewhere like the sides of the thrust stage. As for the audience that was around me that day, I was seated by other theatre students so we decided to engage in conversation about the play. Furthermore, I became concerned …show more content…

Moreover, Austin Wayne the actor who brings the character of Berger to life in this JJC production of Hair seems to be very knowledgeable or more mature to take tasks such as set production. Furthermore, I dare say that I find this interesting from previous experience in high school where in my freshman year art class I was invited by my art teacher to help in the set production of the production of The Wiz at Joliet Central High School. Another very important thing I learned by reading the program was the act numbers and musical numbers. Furthermore, this was especially helpful to me since the musical ran quickly and many characters were onstage and it was somewhat hard to keep up with everything without the help of the …show more content…

The production used strobe lights in the entire show as well as projections of images to contribute to the acts that the actors were performing. I remember some psychedelic images that were portrayed, when I saw them I felt at peace with myself. Moreover, the strobe lights were easier to use to change color quickly as the musical demanded it, the change of color that was uses was regular light and a blue hue light to show a thought state of mind. Furthermore, one strobe light usage that I particularly remember was when the tribe was burning their draft cards the middle strobe light was lighted red to give a fire illusion to the stage. Claude’s wig was by far my father out of all the male actors, his wig was placed very carefully and it actually looked like his real hair, it was also accompanied with headbands. Moreover, I also noticed that Claude was one of the few cast members that wore shoes this gave me an indication that he connected to society even though he was part of the tribe. The Margaret Mead dress was very nice the style of the dress suggested a 60’s housewife look, the makeup was very light but the lips were bold. Again, as previously discussed the usage of heels by Thomas was very impressive! He really did commit to this role as Margaret Mead. Sheila’s costume gave off a m0ther nature bohemian vibe to

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