American Musical Theatre

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Exploring the Sustainability of American Musical Theatre

“Musical theatre isn’t some ancient, dusty, irrelevant invalid; it is, right now, a thriving, vigorous art form”. This statement by Miller (2007, p. 8) suggests that American musical theatre is still alive and abundant in today’s society. This essay seeks to support this claim by using three aspects of the ‘ecosystems of music’ framework (Schipper, 2009) to determine if musical theatre does indeed prosper in modern society. Specifically, this essay discusses the involvement of musicians and communities, the relevance of the musical contexts in today’s society, how it is disseminated and how it is supported by the media and music industry.

Musical theatre is continuously embraced in …show more content…

As Leonard Bernstein once said, musical theatre is “an art that arises out of American roots, out of our speech, our tempo, our moral attitudes, our way of moving” (Bernstein,???). Therefore, it stands to reason that society will continue to engage with musical theatre to witness themes that reflect their daily lives and social history. For example, “Hairspray” deals with African-American integration, “Wicked” addresses social exclusion and “Hair” conjures themes of the sexual revolution and political uprise (GROVE MUSIC). Moreover, Miller (2007) describes that musical theatre, its lyricists and book writers, composers, directors and actors, have continually had to evolve to suit the modern day audiences desires for more relatable material, which is now recognised in modern theatre’s energetic, dissolute, intense and emotional presentation (reference??). NEW PARAGRAPH? Now, more than ever before, America, and the world, can access these thought-provoking themes through the increasing use of disseminating musical theatre through mediums other than live theatre. These include movie musicals such as Les Miserables (2012) and Into the Woods (2014), TV series such as Smash (2012-13) and Glee (2009-15), Disney- animated musicals such as Frozen (2013), which showcase the …show more content…

With a strong community engagement due to amateur productions and new pop music theatre works, relevant subject matter and effective dissemination techniques and finally, endorsements from the media and music industry that promote its financial success, it can be construed that the American musical theatre industry will continue to flourish. Given these factors from aspects of the ‘ecosystem of music’ (Schippers, 2009), musical theatre in America has a long lasting future ahead of

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