Gun Control in America

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Gun Control in America Firearms are so pervasive in this country that sometimes we forget the price we pay for an all-too-easy access to guns. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 10,744 Americans were murdered with firearms in 1996. However, only 174 of these homicides were justifiable. In 1995 alone, 35,957 Americans were killed with firearms, in homicides, suicides and accidents. In comparison, 33,651 Americans were killed in the Korean War and 58,148 Americans were killed in the Vietnam War. Once considered an ethnic-class struggle this issue has risen to epidemic proportions, touching every one of our lives. There is an ever-growing concern for the safety we all face in our daily lives but few of us realize the actions of others are what lead to our insecurities. We must be able to defend ourselves. We have the right to do so. It is essential to our well being and security as a people. The question is how can we secure this idea of self defense without turning our society into a gun- wielding circus? Is absolute freedom worth absolute fear? Are you ready to break into the new millennium with a finger on the trigger staring at life through the barrel of a gun? The issue of gun control has risen to a fevered pitch in this country. In this paper I will examine the theory of gun control, tracing its origins through modern political policy and then evaluate each justly. I will then suggest a possible courses of action to help eliminate the problems today=s society faces involving gun violence. It=s time for this country to take a serious step to ensure the safety of its people. AA well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right to bear arms, shall not be infri... ... middle of paper ... our confused right to bear arms, perhaps we can take a lesson from other countries. In stark contrast to our staggering 9,390 handgun deaths in 1996, Great Britain boasts only 30 homicides, and most surprisingly Japan had only 15. Countries with similar and even heightened overcrowding and poverty problems such as we face, seem to solve their quarrels without murdering eachother. It is up to each one of us to solve this problem. Hate is baggage. To coexist we must have a greater understanding and compassion for our fellow man. A new respect for life and individuality must be forged! We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have stained, It must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory will swell, When touched again. As surely they will be- By the better angels of our nature. -Anonymous

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