Essay On Gun Control In America

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Should Firearms be banned/controlled in America?
Firearms are a big thing in America. It is estimated that there are 270 million firearms in America, that is about 89 firearms per 100 citizens. If this is compared to a country like Switzerland, that only has around 49 firearms per 100 citizens, America has nearly double the amount per 100 citizens. A firearm is a portable gun that launches one or more projectiles, so in short a gun. In America, there are firearm laws that are usually different in each separate state but, there are general firearm control laws in America. These firearm control laws have been brought to light in the past few years after a sudden rise in firearm-related terrorist attacks. It raises questions like if firearms were reduced or even banned would this have happened and even would firearm crime as a whole be reduced? …show more content…

On the 10th of March 2009, Michael McClendon shot and killed 10 people over the span of 3 counties in Alabama. Firearm control laws were nearly instantaneously re-introduced in many countries worldwide. One of these countries was Germany, sadly this did not stop a seventeen-year-old German teenager from killing fifteen people and then himself. This sadly shows that even when these deadly weapons are under control, the outcome is the same as when they are not controlled. So, what is the point? What is to say that firearm control laws would work for America?
In summary, firearms are a great form of protection but, they need to be taken more seriously and should not be used as toys. The need for a total ban is slightly extreme because of a need for protection, but a restriction would help, that is because there are already too many firearms in America. As I said in my introduction there are over 270 million firearms, around 86 per 100 people. America would do a good deed for itself, if it just reduced the apparent need and want for

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