Governmental Department Branches

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To review the necessity of the United States Governmental department branches, the breakdown of each branches duties and powers give a comprehensive view of why the Governments foundation is placed in the following manner. The United States Federal Government is comprised of three main branches, Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, and the Judicial Branch. Each of the branches are configured based on Articles I, II, III of the U.S. Constitution. All three branches play vital roles in the functionality of the United States Government.
The legislative branch is made of two chambers, also known as a bicameral. The Legislative is also referred to as the U.S. Congress. Congress was founded on March 4, 1789, and it provides a main duty to “Write, …show more content…

The President must be a minimum of thirty-five years old, be a natural born citizen and lived in the United States for at least fourteen years. As the head of the Executive Branch, the president pushes for legislation change with the winning support of the American people. The bills must be passed by the President before they can be enacted as a law. However, the Legislation Branch can pass the law if the President does not address the Bill with in ten days. On the other hand, the President can also veto a bill if (s)he feels that it does not need to become law. The President is the head of Government and the people of the United States that requires daily decisions that affect both the Government and the American people. The President holds the highest position in office that also represents all of America to the rest of the world.
Laws that are passed then become the responsibility of Cabinet Secretaries. The Cabinet is constructed of 15 members that are selected by the President and report directly to him/her. These positions then carry out the execution of agendas and policy. Such as the “CIA and Environmental Protection Agency” (Executive). There are also indirect positions that the President oversees that are outside of the Cabinet. The leaders of the agencies are called commissioners. Their purpose …show more content…

But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature?” (Madison). In the Articles, I, II, II of the Constitution, the Legislative Branch holds the largest amount of power. They are primarily given these checks to prevent the Executive Branch from holding too much power (like governments with Kings). In addition, the Legislative Branch also has authority over quantity of courts the Judicial Branch holds. This separation in power can be seen in the following

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