Gordon Allports Dispositional Theory Essay

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Have you ever wondered why you act the way you do, or even why your children act the way they do. There is an explanation for why you and your children both act the way y'all do, it just depends on which theory of personality you believe applies to you and your children's behavior. Do you believe that you have the power to behave and be who you want to be without something influencing you to do so, or do you believe that heredity has more to do with why you behave the way you do and what things are happening the way they are in your life? The first theory I would like to mention in this article is the dispositions theory. If you believe that you have total control of your life no matter who your ancestors are, then you believe in Gordon Allports dispositional theory. Allports dispositional theory states that a person is not limited by what their childhood was like, but by how much motivation you have within yourself to do something you want to do. As people we make decisions because we thrive for change from the motivation of ourselves and our environment. A child's personality is not developed until they are older when people begin to figure out who they are, it does help for children to be able to explore their individuality. For example; letting them dress themselves gives them a sense of freedom to express who they are. Even though environment and heredity influences have to do with the development of an individual's personality, every individual has …show more content…

Extroversion, neuroticism, agreeable, openness to experience, and consciousness. The big 5 personality test was developed by Goldberg in 1992. The test is full of questions on a five point scale; do you agree, slightly agree, neutral, slightly disagree, or disagree. This test is not used to assess anyone by any means. It should only be used by people for information on their self, or for educational

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