Glory Days Sparknotes

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Glory Days is an inspirational story about basketball coach and Hall of Fame member Don Haskins. After coaching women's high school basketball, Haskins moves south to Texas to coach the men's Division I team at Texas Western. Despite having little funding, Haskins tries to recruit the seven best players he can in order to make the most outstanding team. For his first season, he recruits seven African American men. Since others did not agree with Haksins' actions, Haskins was met with some animosity and threats. Threats on his family and on funding for the team. As a coach , Haskins put his players through rigorous training every day. He pushed many players to become frustrated with his demands, but despite his tough standards, they did not quit; his standards only made the team stronger and unified. Many people in the United States did not consider Texas Western to be a potential threat for the NCAA tournament, but Texas Western proved them wrong with their undefeated record for the first part of the season. Despite being subjects of vandalism and assault, Texas Western's drive was only hindered in their only loss of the last regular season game. …show more content…

Kentucky was the anticipated winner of the tournament by many in the United States. In spite of Texas Western's success, Coach Rupp, the coach of Kentucky, remained unfazed. The final game proved to be a success for Texas Western and Haskins as they won the NCAA tournament with only the seven African American players. Rupp learned at this game that one must be open to change. Eventually Rupp did change before he stepped down in 1972 when he recruited the first African American player in Kentucky's

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