Gender Socialization In South America

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Humans are categorized by the term “gender”. The society we live in in divides genders into two groups, male and female. Society expects girls and boys to behave a certain way. “Gender Socialization is the tendency for boys and girls to be socialized differently”. Girls and boys are expected to fill their correct gender role. A gender role is a set of behaviors, attitudes, and personality characteristics expected of a person based on their sex. However, men and women's’ characteristics tend to cross by the influence of their environment or experiences. Socialization refers to “the lifelong social experience by which people develop their human potential and learn culture”.(Macionis, 2012) The process of learning what your gender is, is basically gender socialization. Gender socialization comes from any places. It comes from mainly family, peers, and media. “Stereotypes are ‘ overgeneralized beliefs about people based on their membership in one of many social categories”. (Anselmi and law 1988 p.195) For example, boys are taught to be tough and aggressive, and girls are made to be gentle and caring. Men are “suppose to be” financial providers, whereas women are generally seen as caretakers. Family is …show more content…

In Asia, women are fully engaged in the economic process, and encouraged to have strong female personalities. In South America, women are welcomed in all industries as contributors, but it's mostly men who work for the family. “Certain cultural groups constantly construct young adults on how to comply with social norms”, making it hard to be your own person. The search for differences in socialization of boys and girls were set back way in 1974, Maccoby and jacklin's working based around sex differences. Though there are many different theories to how gender socialization works, many have failed to find many differences. Some in different cultures tried to even treat boys and girls exactly the

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