Francis Crick Case Study

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Research Task
Francis Crick
Crick played a crucial role in the research related to revealing the helical structure of DNA. He is famously known for the use of the term “central dogma” to summarize the idea that once information is transferred from acids nucleic to proteins it cannot glow back to nucleic acids. In other words, the final step in the final step in the flow of information from nucleic acids to proteins is irreversible.
Rosalind Franklin
She represented the two forms of the molecule, type A and type B, her position being that phosphate units are located in external part of the molecule. She specified the amount of water to be found in the molecule in accordance with other parts of it, data that have considerable importance in terms of stability of the molecule. The other contribution is that she is best known for her work on the X-Ray diffraction images of DNA.
James Watson
Along with Francis Crick he provided data about DNA being a twisted ladder. He built the DNA model and named it Watson and Crock model
Francis Crick was attracted to science and he could learn about it from books. As a child he was taken to church by his parents, but by 12 he said he didn't want to go to church anymore because he preferred scientific research for answers …show more content…

This suggests that she was very competitive and when you are competitive you usually want to set the bar and do far better than anyone else and this helped her a lot because she was more focused and determined. This aided a lot on research and work on X-Ray diffraction images of DNA. Other than that she was very intelligent she was interested in science at a very young age which led her to her discoveries because she was

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