Galileo's Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina, 1695

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In 1695 Galileo wrote a Letter to The Grand Duchess Christina. This letter discussed the relationship between the traditional biblical beliefs of the time (the basis on which their society was built), scientific discoveries, and their correlation with one another. The purpose of the letter was to inform that the scientific discoveries being made were not hearsay or contradictory to the Bible, rather they were natural laws, which could coincide with Scriptural based beliefs, not oppose them. In the Letter to The Grand Duchess Christina, Galileo implies that science is the means by which G-d meant for humanity to understand scriptural truths. This belief can be applied to the present day by finding equilibrium, and in turn allowing for a balanced life.

In his Letter to The Grand Duchess Christina, Galileo challenged the widely accepted religious beliefs of the time, claiming that the conflict lies in their interpretation, not the context. In Galileo’s eyes science was an extremely useful tool that could and should have been used in interpreting the Scriptures. He argued that “the intention of the Holy Ghost is to teach us how one goes to heaven not how heaven goes” (Grand Duchess). The purpose of science was not to counter what the bible teaches; rather its purpose was to help explain the teachings of the scriptures. Furthermore, it was “prudent to affirm that the holy Bible can never speak untruth-whenever its true meaning is understood” (Grand Duchess). However, because of the terminology in which the bible was presented the perception of what the Scripture defined as truth was skewed. The Bible was written so that the common man could understand it and follow its commandments. The people also showed a greater inte...

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...e and thus strengthen his argument/claims.

It is through science and its use that Galileo claimed one could better find and understand the truths of the Scriptures. If science is used correctly, as a tool to support claims, rather than blindly accepting the claims made by authoritative figures, Galileo claimed one would be able to fulfill the truths mentioned in the bible; to use one’s sense of reason. Religious people can find their solace through science, and scientist can find reason for their science through religion. This is evident in the fact that Galileo was a scientist but also had strongly rooted scriptural beliefs. Through a sense of balance he was able to use his religion to advance his scientific findings, and his science to justify his religion. With the right balance between the two one will be able to live an enlightened and enriched life.

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