Five Factor Model Of Personality

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The Big 5
Over the past couple of decades, personality has taken a larger role in applied research and employee selection. This optimism is mostly due to the creation of a unified model of personality- the Big Five (or Five Factor Model). The five broad dimensions used by some psychologists to describe human personality. The term personality trait has a special meaning in personality psychology that is narrower than the everyday usage of the term.” Motivations, emotions, attitudes, abilities, self-concepts, social roles, autobiographical memories, and life stories are just a few of the other "units" that personality psychologists study.”(Srivastava, S.2015). The five factors have been labelled: emotional stability, conscientiousness, extraversion, …show more content…

Open people are intellectually curious, appreciative of art, and sensitive to beauty. They tend to be, compared to closed people, more aware of their feelings. They tend to think and act in individualistic and nonconforming ways. He enjoys having his mind and senses stimulated, such as by viewing art, listening to new music, sampling exotic cuisine and reading literature and poetry. An open person likes to have variety in his day-to-day life and craves novelty. Openness to experience– the drive for cognitive exploration of inner and outer experience; is the personality trait most consistently associated with creativity. “The intellectual style of the open person may serve a professor well, but research has shown that closed thinking is related to superior job performance in police work, sales, and a number of service occupations.” (Srivastava, S. (2015). Openness is associated with tolerance of uncertainty; a capacity to absorb information, being much focused and the ability to be aware of more feelings, thoughts and impulses simultaneously. The result is deeper more intense experiences. Open individuals are motivated to seek out the unfamiliar and to look for complexity. “Psychologists have determined that the single most consistent variable in creative achievement is a trait called openness to experience.” (Drake Baer,

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