Female Student Interview Paper

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According to Stutler, female students enjoy reading in the intellectual, the emotional, and the imaginational domains. Female students can experience high and low times in each of these domain in their lives. Intellectually, the female students develop knowledge and language. Imaginationally, the female students gain fantasy and imagery experiences as they read fictional books. Emotionally, the female students are able to form relationships with the characters while gaining a personal insight of others feelings (Stutler 2011). I will referrer to the gifted female student as Hope. Hope is a White female student. Hope is eleven years old and is in the sixth grade. She was identified as gifted when she was in the second …show more content…

Research shows that many gifted female students can become bored if school is not challenging and if they do not use their full potential. During the interview, Hope was talkative but very serious during the entire interview. She made an attempt to tell a joke. I observed her less than average sense of humor. One of Hope’s cognitive traits is her excellent memory. Hope was able to discuss specific details about the stories and characters in several of the books that she has read. Hope was excelling in sciences, language, and history but was an underachiever in math. Hope did admitted that sometimes she does not try to do her best in her math class because some of the students have accused her of being the “teacher’s favorite”. She also stated that some of the students have called her names that she refused to share. Hope stated there were times when she tried not to act smart. It isn’t unusual for a gifted student to become underachievers because of peer pressure. Gifted female students will sometimes play down their giftedness and talents in order to please their classmates. Research shows that there is a gradual decrease of self-esteem in gifted girls who are in the school system. By the third grade, most gifted female students have learned the subtle message that girls should not stand out in the academic area. It is more acceptable for girls to be more like their peers. The involvement of Hope’s grandparents can have a positive influence for Hope. The leadership qualities in male students are embraced but these same qualities are viewed as “bossy” for the gifted female. It is important for family members to encourage leadership qualities in gifted female

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