Female Genital Mutilation Essay

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Not a healthy practice to accept as a cultural or religious tradition
Female genital mutilation is not a healthy practice we can accept as cultural diversity or respect as a religious tradition. Voluntary or not, the procedure is an act of violence against the female body and it encourages a female dystopian society.

Undergoing the procedure is not like when a male receives his rite of passage; where he becomes a man and is more respected. The procedure does not grant women high status nor does it give women more power in the decision-making process.

The procedure itself is a robbing of power
Robbing women of the pleasure she was born with the ability to have. Any procedure aimed to prevent her from having it is an act of misogynistic …show more content…

It angers her when others label the tradition she endured and now embraces as empowering for women, an act of mutilation on women.

This is an example of cognitive dissonance.

The procedure is described as painful and destructive in the article by a leading medical expert on female “circumcision.” According to the article, many doctors who treat African women, say there is little question about the negative effects of female “circumcision.”

Ahmadu’s defense of the procedure is understandable. This is how she has learned to cope with a procedure defiling countless young women, however, had she never been exposed to the practice it would not be impossible for her to find other sources of empowerment for women, and other traditions to link her to her mother and ancestors.

Call it what it is
With the recent rise in white supremacy groups, there is a hesitance among them to accept themselves as white supremacists because of the negative connotation it suggests. However, their enthusiastic nationalist beliefs are rooted in white supremacy; to place a toned down label on it does not lessen the destructive nature the movement has played in

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