Family Synthesis Essay

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Aside from how family can be defined and what it takes to make a healthy functional family, three other important concepts that we discussed through the past month are relational currencies, family power, and stressors. Relational currencies are what builds the closeness and affection within a family. Family Communications gives a list of different currencies along with an explanation of each. A couple of different ones are positive verbal statements, listening, touch, sexuality, and food. Well-functioning families can use a variety of currencies and use them in a way that benefits each other. Currencies remind me of love languages in a way. We each have a certain way we show love to each other; this can be known as a love language. However, …show more content…

This is important because without a family system there is no stable family build and connection. Family Communication lists five different power bases within families: normative, economic, affective, personal, and cognitive resources (Galvin et al., 2015, p. 182-183). These power bases are not set to individual members of a family, yet it depends on the particular family. An example of power bases is generally seen through the economic resources. This is not seen in every family, but economic resources are controlled by the father in a family. He will take care of the bills and money situations; he holds this power bases. Multiple members of a family can hold the same bases, but a well-functioning family will handle these bases in a smart matter. Thirdly, a factor that is seen throughout all relationships and families is stressors. This is an important topic because there are many ways a family can handle and cope with the unpredicted stress in their lives; however, a well-functioning family can handle these situations together. Besides learning how to deal with stress, it is important to realize the background and causes of particular stressors in your

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