The Family Systems Theory And The Family-Development Theory

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Since the 20th century, researchers have sought out solutions to help assist families and the individual components that make up family systems overcome the challenges and schisms that can inhibit individuation and stability. Two theoretical perspectives, the family-systems theory and the family-development theory, were conceived to gain as Balswick & Balswick (2014) noted, gain “a wide-angle view of family life” (p. 22). Though these two theories have merit, one I found to be more advantageous in gaining a better understanding of the family as an actively metastasizing organism, which needs to be approached more adaptively. First, we must understand what each theory encompasses and then examine the varying benefits and incompetencies each reveals. In the realm of family-systems theory, we find that, “individuals cannot be understood in isolation from one another, but rather as a part of their family, as the family is an emotional unit. Families …show more content…

159). And in the case of family-development theory, the family is viewed through eight distinct, yet sequential stages which includes the premarital, marital dyad through to the retirement milestone. With this developmental theory, the family must succeed in achieving a significant benchmark before they can move onto the next level. For example, when a dyad gives birth to a child, they then move into the triad stage with the major task being that they will need to adjust to the new child before they can move onto the next stage as a completed family. Therefore, there are initiating events that move us into the next stages and major tasks to work through while in the varying

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