Family Genogram Essay

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The three generation genogram has made common diseases present on both the sides of the family more apparent. As stated by Calzone et al. (2013), the use of genomes by healthcare professionals can help to improve the identification of at risk individuals, screening and diagnosis, treatment options and ultimately improves patient outcomes. The genogram illustrates grandparents, their children, and ends with my sister and I. Aunts and uncles were included to emphasize the prevalence of disease seen within the family. My grandparent on my mother’s side of the family lived their entire lives in Barbados. My grandfather was a painter and my grandmother was a home health aide. While my grandfather died due to heart disease, he was also known to be …show more content…

My grandmother later returned to the U.S. with her children after separating from my grandfather and worked as home health aide. My grandmother was a controlled non-insulin dependent diabetic and eventually died of cancer. In order to avoid conflict as a result of her decision to refuse treatment, the type is unknown as she kept her diagnosis a secret. My grandfather worked as a carpenter until he retired and later died due to heart disease, the specifics are unknown. My father’s sisters are twins with one who died due to cardiac disease and the other who was recently diagnosed with diabetes. My father’s brother has no known health issues, does not see a physician regularly, and denies any signs and symptoms that would cause him to seek medical attention. My father, being a retired army veteran, has been diagnosed with hypertension which is controlled by lifestyle changes. My father visits a family physician often and attributes this to a habit acquired while in the army. It was noticed that the men on both sides of the family with the exception of my father rarely or never visited a family physician. This was noted to be due to cultural misconceptions about advanced healthcare professionals and reluctance to take

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