Eye and Spine Health

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Eye and spine health are a core elements of comfort. They are usually disregarded when people sit down to use computers, tablets, and smartphones. Many people that have jobs that require them to sit in front of computers for extended intervals of time do not think about their back and eye health. Technology has also infiltrated itself into classrooms, which is a large risk because many students do not consider their back and eye health. Eye health is usually not taken into account, but it should also be a very large factor in how much time we spend in front of technology.
The health of the eyes and back are a large part of living comfortably. Now that new technologies are readily available to the public, the well-being of our eyes and backs are at jeopardy. Many people ignore the needs of their bodies when using devices such as computers, tablets, and smart phones. “84 per cent of 18-24 year olds have admitted to suffering back pain in the last 12 months, according to a survey by Simplyhealth”. (Daily Mail, 2013) When we ignore our bodies while we use these devices, we are at risk of damaging our backs and eyes. Some of the common aliments are eye strain, dry eye, and back pain. The younger generation needs to limit the amount of time that they spend in front of the computer, because they are putting strains on their bodies that are unnatural and dangerous. The past generation did not have this problem because technology usage was not such a central part of their lives.
Using computers at work may be a larger problem than people are willing to admit because most people who work with computers do not focus on their back health at their jobs. Many people use computers at their jobs because of the ease of accessing and sending inf...

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National Institute of Health (2013, September). Handout on Health Back Pain. Retrieved December 16, 2013, from http://www.niams.nih.gov/Health_Info/Back_Pain/

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