Exemplification Essay: How A Dance Is A Sport

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"And again! Five, six, seven, eight! One, two, three, four…" Being a dancer isn't as easy as it looks. It isn't always about moving around a dance floor freely, making up the moves as one scoots across the dance floor. It is more than that. It's about grapevines, releves, and feather steps. Hard work, sweat, competition, and tears. It is an intense sport. Dancing requires people to study and learn new moves, practice hard, and be extra competitive just like any other sport in the world.
Just like football, which requires one to know different plays, dancing requires people to learn various steps in order to be able to dance flawlessly. Dancing is a full body activity. In order to complete a dance precisely, every part of the body needs to be doing the correct motion. Toes pointed, chin up, arms high, and so forth. American football, as mentioned earlier, is a very good comparison for the argument that dance is a sport. Football players need to be in their correct positions on the playing field in order for the play to go smoothly. This is the same in dance. Positioning oneself appropriately on the floor is a must, as is dancing the correct moves. If not, nothing goes the way that it should, and that causes many problems. …show more content…

Dancing requires lots and lots of practice. In order to become good, dancers must take the time out of their daily lives to train and become the best that they can be. Dancers must be physically fit in order to carry out their routines completely. Controlled breathing throughout the entire performance is a must since dancing is an aerobic activity, meaning the muscles need lots of oxygen to work properly. Exercising regularly and eating healthy will help a dancer learn to control their breathing and keep them in shape. Both of these are requirements to be a good

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