Examples Of Quantitative Methodology

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Quantitative Methodology. Quantitative research concentrates on the measuring a certain part of an concern or issue (Tavallae,M. & Abu Talib, M., 2010). Quantitative is a numerical description that measures things as they are. It has objective stances, logic, and numbers focusing on unchanging data and details (Babbie, E.R., 2010). For example, a quantitative method would ask how many people are participating in a program, what are the characteristics of people in a program, and how do the people in the program perform (Leedy, P. & Ormrod, J., 2009). Using a quantitative research method has several advantages for testing the hypothesis. The aim of quantitative research is to classify features, count the features, and construct statistical models to explain what was observed (McNabb, D.E., 2008). Typically, quantitative methodologies uses already tested and validated theories about how and why an event occurs. The most important reason to use a quantitative method is that it has more credibility. It has more credibility to be implemented in natural settings or non-clinical settings by organizational leaders, administrators, public servants, and individuals or institutes who fund programs. It provides precise and numerical data. In …show more content…

The goal of research is to create action leading to implementation or further research. The other goal of research is to inform or expand on a previous idea or concept. By using the methodology of formal research, collecting information and evaluating current trends in data can aid in creating programs, or a plan to resolve a problem, or provide an answer. Research can take an existing theory and either target a specific issues or reimagine the entire concept in order to expand upon it. Conducting a research project can result in the creation of a new theory that informs the academic community and the public of new information for application or review. Research can generate interest in past or current

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