Essay On Why I Should Be Shorter In School

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School should be the same length because students need time to relax so they don’t lose their hair because of stress.School should remain the same length because if school is extended students could come very stressed. This is very unhealthy mentally and physically and this could lead to further problems. Also students wouldn't have time for things like vacation or sport or other non school related activities. I believe that school should remain the same length because if school was extended students may get very stressed and this could cause them to do worse in school because they will get worn out and it's also not healthy.

If school was extended it could cause problems with students bodies because they could get very stressed out with all of the work and never get a break. ¨Some people are more prone to certain diseases, and chronic …show more content…

I believe that this is a bad idea because kids mind can’t process all the information at once when they are not given a break and this could cause them to break down. This means that it can be unhealthy and they may not be able to keep up with all the information given to them at once. This is why students are currently given breaks to give their brain a break and spend time with family. “Extending the school day by even an hour or two will wreak havoc on after-school activities such as sports and dance lessons.” This means that extending the school day or year by just a little can effect after school activities and other things outside of school. This can lead to stress as well because they won't have much to take their mind off of school and their work. In my opinion school should stay the same length of time during the school year and day because it give students the right amount of time to rest their mind and stay healthy along with socializing with others and making

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