Why Should Schools Be Longer

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Since no school is perfect, they can all be improved in some way. There are many great ideas that could change our school for the best. Numerous schools don’t have a great environment, but if more people consider students opinions, the schools might become better. To begin, students should have more of an option when it comes to classes. For example, they should get to choose what exploratories they want to take because students should get some time in the day to learn about a topic they are truly interested in. The exploratory classes should also be a little longer because it allows kids to focus on a fun topic before going back to core classes. Many schools should also consider adding a recess, for kids are trapped inside for about 8 hours a day and they should get some time to hangout with friends and release their energy. The last recommendation is shorter classes. Shorter classes would be an excellent improvement because it would help children stay focused more easily and it’s also a better …show more content…

If students aren't happy with their classes or schedule, it should be allowed to change. A later start would really impact schools because it’s been scientifically proven that students brains don’t officially wake up until about nine or ten o'clock in the morning. If we change the school start time to ten o’clock it would allow children to have a better ability learning new things and less students would be sleep-deprived. Another thing that should be taken into account is a longer lunch because it gives students a little time to have fun. Schools also need a longer lunch because calling zones takes a long time and usually the last zone called barely has enough time to finish their food. The last improvement that should be made is a longer passing period because a lot of times students aren’t able to go the bathroom during class and they need to do it during passing period, but they would be late to

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