Why Kids Should Have Later In School

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Studies have shown that kids gain more knowledge with a break before they learn in class. Students are constantly stuck in class, sitting down all day. Without a break, students get restless and are never able to relax. Students should have breaks during the school day because they won't be sitting in a chair all day, it will allow them to clear their minds, and they will retain the information better. The reason students should be allowed a rest in school is that they will not be stranded at their desk all day. I am always shuffling at my seat because I am always implanted in it. Students always tell me that they are never able to focus because they are never given time to relax. My father has even told me, “ you kids are never able to concentrate because of lack of movement!” My teacher constantly turns into an angry bright red tomato when she sees all the kids squirming from sitting throughout the day. One time I saw a kid get up too fast from sitting for a long time. He passed out in front of everyone. Everyone looked down at the young boy in awe. We were all thinking the same thing, he sat down for too long! I would make a better conclusion, but I am too restless and I need to clear my mind. …show more content…

For example, if I’m in class and I'm stressed, it will be good for my health to just take a break and unclog my mind. I can think about how students' brains must feel like slushy intestines by the end of class. If a child doesn't get a break they will be complaining until your ears bleed! In class, a couple weeks ago, I failed a test because I had so much on my mind! My parents weren't very happy! Not only can you be able to clear your mind, but you can retain information better by taking a

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