Essay On Year Round School

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Should Children Have to go to School All Year? Having school all year was an idea school boards were thinking of doing. Therefore, having school all year would help cause problems. Also, having school year round is what some schools want to do. In addition, school boards should have a traditional school calendar with vacation to insure that students have family time, a break to have away from learning, time for students to prepare for the next year. Unfortunately, having school all year would cause stress, Lacking time with family, time for sports, and to have a time to think without school. Finally, having school all year would cause a lot of problems for the parents and the children.
Including school and sports, it is difficult to balance …show more content…

Year round schooling has some bad and good reasons for the idea. There maybe bad reason like that it puts stress on people and but pressure on the parents and the kids. Therefore kids will most likely have and better education and learn more then you do with a traditional school calendar. “Year-round school offers a number of educational benefits, as well. Remedial education is emphasized, in order to prevent students from falling too far behind their peers.” From Seattle Media, LLC. For instance, schools pay more for the school when the school is on a traditional calendar. The school get what they pay for if you go to school all year round. If you have a traditional calendar you spend more money because they have to pay when children are not at school. Having school all year can benefit the learning of the children. It is cheaper to go all year than have brecks. “A year-round schedule might reduce absences because the frequently scheduled breaks allow for sick or exhausted teachers and students to recover and recuperate before returning to school.” From Seattle Media, LLC. If the students know that they will have all year school they will not try to miss since they have to go all year. Having school all year has advantages and some disadvantages. Having school all year makes the students more knowledgeable and advanced at school and know

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