Essay On Self-Transcendence Theory

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The two middle range theories I am discussing are Pamela Reed’s Self-Transcendence Theory and Carolyn Wiener and Marylin Dodd’s Theory of Illness Trajectory. Self-Transcendence Theory has a holistic framework for nursing care that provides focus on the relationship between environment and person. By having self-transcendence and broadening personal boundaries the patient’s well-being is significantly improved. Reed’s theory is a derivative of previous theories that focus on lifespan development and it assumes that development continues throughout one’s lifespan in relation to changes in health, illness, loss and vulnerability to personal mortality. The theory of self-transcendence provides concepts that focus on client development and nursing interventions, which promote the client’s ability to experience self-transcendence and thus improved well-being. Self-transcendence symbolizes experiences that join rather than separate a person from others, self, and environment. Based on the underlying assumptions that person and environment are essential to each other, the person’s ability to use self-transcendence activities as a means of healthy development during life challenges is thus assumed to be related to improved well-being. The nursing process that occurs when applying Reed’s …show more content…

Coping techniques are taught to the patient and family so that they have the best possible outcomes. This theory is greatly used for patients with chronic illness, such as cancer, because it allows the patients and family to be engaged in learning about the disease process and the medical jargon that accompanies the illness. Being ill not only affects the patient, but it affects the entire family. This theory allows the family and patient to cope with and understand the prognosis. (Penrod, Kitko, & McGahn,

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