Essay On POW And C. SPACE Strategies

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Helping Jessica to reach her narrative writing goals, Mrs. Tracy has several strategies at her disposal. Jessica’s joy of sharing her personal experiences and the ability to verbally express those idea is a strength that should be utilized. The POW and C.SPACE strategies discussed in the Star Sheets would be excellent tools for her to use to gather her thoughts in an orderly fashion. Her sample writing shows she has good ideas but little development and simple sentences. If Jessica is really overwhelmed by the writing task I would start her with a simple organizer to outline the beginning, middle, and end of her story (see attached organizer). Because Jessica is comfortable verbally tell her stories I would start by walking her through the …show more content…

I would explicitly work with her to describe the use and purpose if each step in the strategy. By teaching her each POW component step by step, she will create and outline containing all of the important information she wants to tell. After becoming familiar and successful with the POW strategy, she could step up to the C.SPACE. strategy. Though both of these are very similar, C.SPACE is a more simplified prompt. I would have Jessica start by working with the POW strategy and as she gains success and confidence with this method I would transition her to the C.SPACE strategy. When she move on to this method she will be instructed that each letter of C.SPACE is a reminder to include this information she has learned to write while working with POW. Displaying a C.SPACE poster in the classroom, or having cue cards available for students to work with at their seats would help all students in the class to organize their thoughts and ideas while writing. If Jessica is struggling with a particular aspect of either strategy she could consult with a peer. Jessica could tell a peer her idea and ask them what else they might want to know if they were reading the story. They may help her develop other points of interest to include in her

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