Essay On Multicultural Fair

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The issue with the multicultural fair is that Ms. Morrison does not have a complete understanding of what the word culture actually means. Her way of describing ones culture is by their clothing, she then gets the concept of ethnicity and culture mixed up. Ms. Morrison does not take in to consideration that there is more to just wearing certain clothes to represent culture but by the girls wearing their soccer jersey and sweatshirt they are actually representing what their culture values. She never gave the girls a chance to explain their reason for choosing those particular outfits. She was to single minded and didn’t have a full understanding of the word culture to explain how the girls outfits express their culture.
The multicultural fair should have more options added to it that …show more content…

This would of help the students to have a better understanding of the world culture and would cause less confusing. By having added these new sections to multicultural fair like food, music, and dances. This would allow more students to participate in the festivities and would cease the argument of people judging the two girls of their clothing. The faculty and staff wouldn’t have to worry about the two girls clothing because now they would actually understand the meaning of the word culture and would other stand that the items chosen were valued by the girls and by definition that is one of the key elements of culture “value”. With the new addition added to the Multicultural fair it does not have any holes. This addition makes it easier to understand culture and be a part of the fair. For an example say your American and you bring in hotdogs and burgers to the fair, the faculty and staff cannot tell you that hot dogs and burgers are everyday food because that is a part of the American culture. There is no flaw with adding all of the new options to the fair it makes the faculty, staff,

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