Essay On Leslie Marmon Silko's Yellow Woman And A Beauty Of Spirit

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In Leslie Marmon Silko's "Yellow Woman and a Beauty of Spirit", true beauty is not a physical or mental state, one separate from the other. Rather, beauty is a culmination of characteristics that include honesty, friendliness, and caring, outward behaviors with inward feelings and intentions that cause or intend harm to others. In this particular reading, beauty is evident in your relationships with nature and fellow human beings and how you relate to those around you. While I was born in the United States, where the term "beauty" is often used to describe a person's physical characteristics, I see it as coming from within as well as in how a person interacts with others in their community and world. In fact, I would agree with Merriam Webster's definition; “the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirt.” (Merriam) This definition encompasses all of the senses that one has available to them in order to determine what beauty is to each individual. In many cultures the word "beauty" is plastered across tabloids and televisions with little thought given to the true nature of the …show more content…

Obviously, it is not a term applied to outward appearance in cases such as this. From this, one must ascertain that "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.” (Keller) So, is beauty a physical characteristic? Is it a state of mind? Each person has their own idea of what beauty is and what it entails. Each individual must measure their values of others and themselves, their ideas of what true beauty is to determine what beauty they wish to be and to bring into their worlds. While a person can be pleasing to look at, it is what they do, how they treat others, how they treat us that determine how we will continue to feel about

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