Impression Of Beauty Essay

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My impression of beauty comes from a lot of different experiences and could be divided up in various ways. First of all, I think that true beauty is different for everyone. Let 's take physical beauty, for example. Each culture defines ideal physical appearance in different ways. The way I see it, everybody is born different from each other. I mean, sure, we all strive to look like the slim/muscular models we see in the media, but if everyone achieved that goal, then we 'd all look the same. This thought kind of goes hand-in-hand with trying to achieve "normalcy". There 's the ordinary and the extraordinary, and I feel like people pressure themselves to make the extraordinary into a standard. But again, we aren 't meant to be clones of each …show more content…

Something about the inherent kindness of somebody who gives without expecting anything in return really speaks to me, and I think it 's something everybody should strive to get better at. I thought about this over the break when I was helping my aunt wrap Christmas presents. Cutting and folding the paper just right around the boxes, wasn 't only a somewhat therapeutic process, but it just made me so happy to think about how happy the recipients are going to feel when they open those boxes on Christmas Day. Being able to participate in my aunt 's efforts to put smiles on others ' faces, really had me thinking about giving, and the positive reaction people get from it. I mean, gift-wrapping isn 't the best example of this (It 's not that generous of an action), but there 've been plenty of times when I 've been shocked by people 's willingness go out of their way help me out. It just gives me such a warm feeling inside because it helps me to realize the genuine goodness in the people around …show more content…

Overall, I 'm going to strive to be the absolute best self I can be. More specifically, that means I want to strive to get more leadership skills, because so far I don 't have very much experience with taking responsibility for another group of people. I also want to work more on creating stronger personal relationships. As of right now, I 've been very good at overlooking potential friends and disconnecting easily from the friends I already have. This just isn 't healthy for me, because I feel like a strong network of supportive people would really help me feel better about the life I have outside of class. Lastly, I also want to make sure that I maintain my drive to succeed. I 'm really hoping that nothing happens over the next three years to make me lose my motivation because my determination to reach my goals, though I don 't completely know where it comes from, is what has gotten into this university in the first place and I would really hate to leave with nothing to show for

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