Essay On Left Handedness

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Did you know that approximately 10% of humans are left-handed? If there are 7,000,000,000 people in this world, then about 700,000,000 people are left-handed: a difference of 6,993,000,000 people. I should mention that I contribute to that ten percent. Being a lefty is almost equivalent to a person with recessive eye colors such as blue, hazel, or green. Just like eye color, the rate of southpaws can vary according to culture, gender, country, etc… As an example, most left-handers tend to be males. Left-hand dominance has surprisingly been very consistent throughout 500,000 years, staying at a constant rate of ten percent. Researchers have found, for example, by examining tools and bone density, that Neanderthals also favored their right hand. If the world is mainly filled with right-handed people, why does left handedness exist? The history, benefits and disadvantages of …show more content…

Right-handed readers may also be shocked to find out how mysterious and dark it is to be a southpaw, but lefties are as valuable as righties because they’ve contributed as much as the majority from the past to the present. Many people might not know it, but lefties faced extreme prejudice in the past. Left was always associated with anything “bad.” In fact, in old English, lyft meant to be weak. Words for left also give us “sinister” in Latin and “gauche” and “maladroit” in French (It’s Okay To Be Smart). Left-handedness is even called “sinistrality” sometimes. In my opinion, that word sounds similar to “sinister” (Why are… par. 2). This view of left is believed to have begun from ancient sun worship (Kalilich par. 2). Sun worshippers lived in the Northern Hemisphere and faced south to honor the sun.

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