Essay On Jerry Renault

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Jerry renault is a freshman at Trinity High School and he is also a football player. He wants to become a quarterback. His friends, Goober, has showed him no fear in playing a critical sport. His coach wants to see his handling skills of a football when quarterback. Because quarterbacks need footwork, handling and movement inside and outside the pocket. After every football practice he always muses about his mother’s recent death. Jerry renault not only has just friends but he also has some enemies. The enemies are Archie Costello and Obie, member of the Trinity secret society called the Vigils. They decide Jerry and Goober as their newest victims. Archie picks Jerry to do an assignment along with chocolates but Obie tells Archie that his …show more content…

Archie just knew that Brother Leon has ordered twice as many chocolates than last year. He wants Archie and The Vigils to sell those chocolates for the school fundraiser. Next, The Goober is getting his assignment from the Vigils. He has to go to room nineteen and unscrew all of the screws in all the furniture so when you touch it, it all falls apart. When Jerry comes home we get a glimpse inside of his family for the first time. His dad is a really nice guy but Jerry thinks he is stuck in a very boring routine. Jerry didn’t want to turn out like his dad and wants to do other thing but he's not sure of. The next day in room nineteen, Eugene’s classroom, Archie just leans on the wall next to the classroom and just has a grin on his face which means he is very pleased with himself. Afterschool Jerry went to his locker after football practice and found a note indie. He was invited to the Vigils hideout. The next day. Today was the first day of selling chocolates. Brother Leon uses roll call to make people commit into selling chocolates. When he gets to Jerry, Jerry flat-out denies to sell chocolates. The …show more content…

But if Jerry never agrees then Brother Leon will destroy Archie and The Vigils. Football practice was the worst because the guys on that team actually wanted to kill him. Somebody trashes his locker. People prank call him and call him names. Meanwhile, Archie and the Vigils make selling chocolates seem cool so Jerry doesn’t have to go through all of this stress. The school had lost of students because of Jerry not selling chocolates. Finally all of the boxes of chocolates have been sold except for the ones for Jerry. Archie thinks to make a raffle out of these lasting chocolates. Emile Janza and Jerry Renault are the only two that haven’t sold any chocolates. So they both are in the raffle. They are led to a platform and have been told the rules of the game. Basically, Carter will draw a raffle ticket and read what the owner has written on it. Students will write the name of the student they want to get hit, and how the person gets hit. They both got a few punches, but then goes out of control. All of the students are calling for his death. But then right at that moment The Goober shows up and calls for the fight to be stopped, but no one hears him. The fight ended when the lights for the field went out. The students

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