Essay On Gender Equality In America

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Throughout America’s history, many changes have affected what America is today. Be it from terrorist attacks, new military laws on gender equality or security issues, I believe these issues have created today’s America. The American people have a big hand in creating the modern America through their interactions with what have become defining moments in American history. Modern America has been impacted by the September 11th attacks; by the Pentagon’s announcement of women serving closer to combat; and the increase of Security Surveillance in America.

On September 11, 2001, America was in a complete state of chaos when terrorists attached the World Trade Center and Pentagon. These terrorist attacks killed more than 3,000 people and frightened everyone. I believe the terrorist attacks of 9/11 caused America’s society to adapt and increase fear. Due to the attacks America realized the need for more security in response to 9/11. Under Bush, a new cabinet for homeland security was created after the attacks; Iran and Iraq were labeled as ‘Axis of Evil’. Not only did the government change but I also believe that there was significant change in attitudes …show more content…

In 2012 the Pentagon makes job assignments for women in the military official. As the Pentagon loosened restrictions on women combat it created a more equal right to freedom and burden. Although in 2012 women still couldn’t fight in combat; this signified a great change in women roles in the U.S.. I think as society advances and women begin to take on the same roles as men, women will soon be able to fight in combat. As 2016 comes around and the ideas of women in combat have loosened, the military is speaking of women being enlisted in the draft. These opening roles of women in the military and combat show a defining moment in the American Government and society as we come to integration between the

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