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Gender inequality in history
Gender equality history
Gender equality history
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1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 DEFINITION OF EQUALITY What is equality? The first thought that arises in most our minds when we hear this word is the condition of being nondiscriminatory, particularly in cachet, entitlement and opportunities. Based on the Cambridge English Dictionary, equality refers the prerogative of multiple people groups to have a homogeneous social status and deserve identical treatment (Dictionary, 2017). Nonetheless, in the context of this research, equality is the unbiased treatment towards people regardless of their gender. 1.2 HISTORY OF GENDER INEQUALITY Throughout many eras, women have been discriminated in various aspects from all around the world. Some of the aspects include dressing requirements, access to education, …show more content…
4.1.1 Equal pay This initiative can be done for the benefit of the entire labor force in this country. By setting a law requirement for fair wages, the pay will be distributed equally to subordinates based on their respective management levels, despite their gender. For example, a male employee should be receiving the same amount of monthly salary as his female colleague from the same department. Establishing this law would aid in diminishing the gender inequality problem in Malaysia. 4.1.2 Female Trade Unions (FTA) This endeavor is necessary to protect women’s rights in the labor force in matters such as sexual harassment, salary, work opportunities, etc. Currently, there are several trade unions in Malaysia namely Malaysian Trades Union Congress (MTUC) and Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services (CUEPACS). However, specific trade unions that fight for women and their equal rights does not exist. At the most, women are only a small part of the committee in general trade unions due to a low number of female workers in the labor force. Therefore, the formation of FTAs can reap benefits in terms of gender inequality and female labor participation which eventually leads to an increase in income per capita and economy
During the American Industrial Revolution, women began to work in factories, leading to conflicts in 19th century society that would eventually result in the Cult of Domesticity—the belief that women’s only responsibilities existed at home. This aimed to establish the subservient woman and the husband as the master of the house as the social norm. Kate Chopin's bleak but realistic depiction in her work, The Awakening, reveals her reasonable attitude during the Second Great Awakening in American history. Men coveted control and achieved it by undermining women and being their superior. Society followed a mob mentality and accepted gender inequality as a social norm. Subjugation of women lead to panic and mania in men and the oppression made
Aristotle said, “ The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal.” True equality is hard to come by when there are so many things that make people so different. The word equality has a very general meaning. That meaning however, can be interpreted in many different ways. To some, the interpretation can lean more towards a sense of freedom. This freedom has been something society has been fighting for throughout the entirety of history. To others, such as author Kurt Vonnegut Jr., it could mean the complete opposite. In Harrison Bergeron, Vonnegut portrays equality as a sort of societal imprisonment.
Equality is something that most people want and need in society. Equality is a state in which every single human being is treated the same no matter what skin color, religion, gender, or what race they are. The Lottery, Harrison Bergeron, and All Summer in a Day are short stories based on equality. Equality is unfair in each story, and it is showing that there can be a dark side to equality if it is taken too far.
15 of the Charter. Companies should develop job strategies that promote women’s participation in the workforce to ensure that both women and men have the same resources and opportunities. Salary data should be made publicly available by gender to increase transparency. The government should consult and outline corrective actions to close the gender wage gaps in workforces with appropriate penalties for non-compliance, such as a fine. Employers who discriminate should be held accountable. The law should also prevent companies from retaliating against employees who raise concerns about gender wage discrimination.
It has been proven that even by creating equal employment laws, one cannot ensure that woman will be treated fairly when being employed, especially in business. This equal treatment will not occur until enough men in power give the qualified women a chance to hold these positions. The business world will realize that women are capable of working alongside and over men in the business world.
Equality; the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities. Ayn Rand the author of Anthem made her society, so that everyone was equal no one referred to themselves as an individual. Everyone was one with everyone. The view her book takes on equality is different from how we view equality to be . The society that her characters live in no one is better than the other. But Equality, the main character of this story brings the story to life because of how different he is from everyone else in the society. He thinks, sees, and even looks different from everyone in his society. Equality, does not feel like he belongs at first in the story, but as the story goes on he learns that him being different might not be such
Separate but equal was a phrase used often to explain discrepancies in treatment between peoples, even when the reality was nothing so fair. However, this was not always the case in the United States of America. Since the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the wages of women versus men have been steadily converging, with a decrease in the rate of convergence since the 1990s (Blau 2000).
Today in the United States, gender inequality is prevalent in the home, sports, schools, politics, and the workplace. Of all situations, the workplace has to be, by far, the most critical. Being that discrimination based on gender directly affects a woman’s income, the gender wage gap needs to be permanently closed. In households in which only the mother is employed, single-parent households, one woman households in which there are no children, and two-woman households, women face the adversity of making less than their male counterpart, and the difference in their pay could be what determines whether their family lives in poverty. As a woman of color or disabled woman, that amount could be even lower. For these reasons, employers must offer the same pay to all employees who are doing the same work, regardless of gender.
Throughout the twentieth century, American women fought for the right to vote, the right to make choices regarding their own bodies, and the right to be their own people. The disparities between men and women were often overlooked or blindly accepted, but as Gloria Steinem said, “history is herstory too.” After nearly 200 years of struggling, women made up only 10% of Congress, received wages less than 75% of their male counter parts, and are stigmatized based on their class and race. By the end of the century, female citizens were still treated unfairly in every aspect of American society. Women did not achieve equality in America in the 20th century, based on their roles in politics, the widespread views of female sexuality, and the race, class, and gender ideals for women at the time. Although women have made progress in each of these areas, and more, they still have so far to come.
Women, for decades, have strove for complete equality with men. This fight is not a new fight, it is a fight that started long ago and is still going today. Many times when we think of the life of women in the past we draw to the Victorian age, an age with great female writers, like the Bronte sisters. Charlotte Bronte, author of many great works, served as a critic and wrote many satire of society and the treatment of women in the Victorian era. The story of Jane Eyre is a bidungsroman, or a coming of age story. Jane strives to find her place in a society that is slowly changing its view of women. In Bronte’s work, Jane Eyre, Jane is a manifestation of the quintessential Victorian women; the ways she diverts forge a new path for women in their search for freedom.
One cannot begin the discussion of gender pay gap without defining it. Simply put, gender pay gap is the inequality between men and women wages. Gender pay gap is a constant international problem, in which women are paid, on average, less than that of their male counterpart. As to if gender pay gap still exist, its exactness fluctuates depending on numerous factors such as professional status, country and regional location, gender, and age. In regards to gender, in some cases, both men and women have stated that the gap does not exist. Due to various countries initiatives to shrink the wage inequality between men and women wages in the work force, the gap has narrowed, respectively, which may have helped form such opinion. However, stating that the gender pay gap does not exist in today’s society, anywhere, is completely unlikely. Seeing that the gap has loosened its grasp in the working world, in other countries, the gap between pay has widen or remained stagnant. One cannot help but wonder why the gap remains consistent even with such substantial progress made in countries where the gap has decreased.
Women had suffered unfair pay in the workforce for years. Statistics have shown that men still earn more than women who have the same degree, education, and qualifications. Women are the main focus for the uneven and unequal share of low-wages in the United States. However, women have additional responsibilities from men that keep them out of the workforce longer which in return leads to discrimination. This research will introduce problems, solutions, and prove that there are alternatives for women.
In labor marker , the division for exclusively men’ and women’ positions gradually decreases. Women become more economically active, and their main occupation is not just bringing up children and looking after the house. Until recently, only a few women were able to achieve success in the elections for the boards of large companies or either get a job as professors at the best universities. However, despite the fact that women have gained formal equality, still most attractive activities are designed of
and wages. It will also tackle what is being done to solve this problem and what