Post 9/11 DBQ

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Before the events of 9/11 the US had been attacked before and we were aware of possible threats. However, these threats, specifically those of Al-Qaeda were not taken seriously by American foreign policy makers or regular Americans alike, so on September 11, 2001 Americans were truly shocked by the scale of devastation and loss of life that occurred. The effect these attacks had on America was incredible. In the years that followed Americans became fearful and discriminatory of religious groups; the government created the Department of Homeland Security and enacted stricter search and seizure laws, and America’s foreign policy became defined by unilateral decision making and preemptive war.
After 9/11 many Americans became extremely frightened and skeptical of anything that wore a hijab or head-dress. The frequency of hate crimes against Islamics rose 25% in the months following 9/11 (Doc 5). Consequently following even more attacks on westerners on the basis of Islam, anti-Islamic ideals are remain very prevalent today. On a more positive note, support for US government actions was strongly supported by both Republicans and Democrats. When you see two national international symbols of American wealth and prosperity as well as the building at the heart of its national defense fall to 20 terrorists , then as a nation …show more content…

In both situations the government gained a substantial amount of power with nearly full support of the American people, based on their fear and need for safety and protection. In general, following any crisis the changes in society, politics and foreign policy are the same: increased government power with the support of its citizens, exactly as in post-9/11

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