Essay On Faith And Reason

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I was unsure of what Faith and Reason were; I say that, because Faith and Reason seem to have the illusion of spiritual meanings and concepts, thus I could not accept the idea that a course of this nature would be taught in college. For me Faith and Reason express a person’s ideals, beliefs and theories on life. According to Webster’s Dictionary, faith and reason are defined as; faith being a belief and trust in and loyalty to God; fanciful or empty assumption. The images that we have come to express are not far from what the rest of the world has expressed or defined. As you continue to read my theories and ideas on the issue of Faith and Reason, you may come to understand the type of person that I am, and possibly understand how and why I believe as I do. …show more content…

Thomas Aquinas believes that we can know God through reason. Reasoning needs to be logical, however there are many things such as God that cannot be logically explained without reason. We believe in God because of our faith and no one can prove he does not exist. Aquinas believes that we can know God through reason. Reasoning needs to be logical, however there are many things such as God that cannot be logically explained without reason. We believe in God because of our faith and no one can prove he does not exist. Aquinas answered the probing question with this rational; To dedicate oneself to prove the existence of God would be just as tedious as trying to prove that God does not exist. Even though God gives us the gift of knowledge we humans do not have the gumption or the capabilities to sit still to ponder the reasoning about the existence of God. Many people are wary of things of reason so if God were proven most people would still be skeptical of the reason set forth to prove God’s existence. Therefore, you are at a crossroads as to why you would want to take the time to prove that God does exist if no one is going to believe you no matter what facts you are able to back your evidence

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