Faith Vs Reason Tillich Summary

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Tillich brings an interesting analysis in reference to faith vs. reason in the biblical text. Tillich believes that if we are ultimately concerned then there is not a reason to be divided amongst each other. In the debate of faith vs. reason we must first identify what reason is. Is reason logical and scientific, or so it a source of structure that provides norms and principles. I personally believe it is the first option as faith provides the norms among people, while reason provides the decision making. Tillich expands on this when he terms that belief as technical reason in which reason gives the tools for recognizing and controlling reality, and faith gives the direction in which this control may be exercised. Tillich’s next point is that faith and reason must go hand and hand, and I agree with this sentiment. Without reason, we would be dehumanized, because decision making would lack logic. Reason is essential to being ultimately concerned. Tillich expands on this when he says, “Man is finite, man’s reason lives in preliminary concerns; but man is also aware of his potential infinity, and this awareness appears as his ultimate concern …show more content…

faith is a common debate that many people face. I myself have faced it as a catholic and as a biology major. Tillich argues that when there is attempt to know, there is truth or error of one of the many degrees of transition between truth and error. With faith people use their cognitive function. People ask themselves what faith is, what its criteria are, and how it is related to other forms of truth. Science tries to explain the universe. Tillich adds that every scientific truth is preliminary and subject to changes both in grasping reality and in expressing it adequately. This is true as science cannot prove anything, but can disprove beliefs. Scientific laws such as that of gravity, are still not completely proven by science. Tillich terms this as only preventing scientific dogmatism and

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