Essay On Environmental Causes Of Depression

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Environmental Causes of Depression To begin on the causes of depression, environmental causes of depression are concerned with factors that are outside of ourselves. These factors include long-term stress at home or work, coping with the loss of a loved one, or traumatic events. Stress is a major cause of depression. Events such as the death of a loved one, the loss of a job, or the end of a relationship are negative but also traumatic and cause great stress for many people (All About Depression: Environmental Causes). Stress can also occur because of a more positive event like getting married, moving to a new city, or starting a new job. Sometimes people become depressed even when there is nothing to worry about. For those who struggle with …show more content…

"Learned helplessness" is when people experience long term constant stress. The people that go through this feel helpless in their situation and don’t exactly know how to get out of it. The person feels that he/she has no control over their situation whatsoever causing him/her to emotionally break. People that suffer through this think negatively about their abilities, because events that did not succeed in the past brought their self-confidence down. Traumatic Events are other important causes of depression (All about Depression: Environmental Causes). Examples would be the death of a loved one, divorce, a medical illness, or losing property because of a natural occurrence. These situations cause a person to feel like they have no control over their like and gives them even more grief because of that fact. Everyone reacts to harsh events differently, so one person may take it more lightly or greatly than another individual. For instance, when a man’s wife passes away, he is more likely to suffer from depression than if a woman’s husband passes away. This is due to the fact that the loss of a wife for a husband also means additional losses, like household care, family support, and other responsibilities

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