Transtheoretical Model and Chronic Stress Management

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The behavior I would like to change is the management of chronic stress. Chronic stress is a precursor for most health problems in today’s society. If we look at the start of most health problems, we can likely trace it back to chronic stress. Chronic stress releases levels of cortisol higher than normal. Cortisol is a hormone released from someone with chronic stress, which can which can negatively affect the body’s ability to function. Getting sick is another negative factor of being overly stressed. Chronic stress compromises your immune system and stress hormones affect the body’s ability to fight off illness due to the fact that thymus’s ability to stimulate and coordinate the white blood cell activity. Chronic stress may be a factor in cases of heart disease and obesity. Due to the type of hormones in the body being released or restricted Cholesterol levels have been known to increase in individuals with chronic stress. A person’s relationship with food can increase their chances of heart disease and obesity. When people are experiencing high levels of stress they may use food as a way to feel satisfied temporarily- whether they are hungry or not. Unmanageable stress can cause depression. Never getting a chance to focus on yourself and always being busy may cause you to be over stressed. Taking time to prioritize life’s obligations and allowing time to take care of yourself is a way to prevent feelings of being tired, sad, anxious, or depressed. I chose the transtheoretical model as my theory to help my behavior change. Transtheoretical theory was originally developed by Prochaska and DiClemente in 1984 to help explain smoking cessations. It has been modified over the years to show that behavior changes are ... ... middle of paper ... ...nagement behaviors. Individuals can move through a series of stages of readiness in the change of a healthy behavior or managing stress. If you cope with change, you'll be valued as a person to yourself and to others. Works Cited Cambell, L. C., Ed.D, Eichhorn, K. C., PhD, Early, C., Caraccioli, P., & Greeley, A. E., .S.T. (2012). Applying the transtheoretical model to improve social media use in the health care industry. American Journal of Health Studies, 27(4), 236-244. Lutz, R. S., Stults-Kolehmainen, M. A., & Bartholomew, J. B. (2010). Exercise caution when stressed: Stages of change and the stress- exercise participation relationship. Psycology of Sport and Exercise, 11, 560-567. Pekmezi, D., Ph.D., Barbera, B., M.A., & Marcus, B. H., Ph.D. (2010). Using the transtheoretical model to promote physical activity. ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal, 14(4), 8-1

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