Disorders and Treatments for Depression

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This paper will have two sections: The first section will be a brief explanation on what is depression. In addition, what is the percentage of depress people in the United States. Furthermore, it will discuss in details several theories that are best suited to treat depression disorder. Moreover, the theories that will be briefly discussed are as follows: Cognitive Therapy (CT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Interpersonal Therapy (IPT). The second section will be a summary of a counseling session the learner had with a client and the treatment that was given to help alleviate and ceased the depression from reoccurring. Depression is considered a mental disorder that can lead an individual to commit suicide, experiment fatal risk that can injure his or her life. Furthermore, an individual feeling depressed lacks motivation to do anything progressive with his or her life. With that said, these individuals sometime gives up interest in activities that were once enjoyable, gets in a phase were he or she loses appetite, begins to overeat, loses concentration on what he or she is trying to complete, and becomes indecisiveness. Moreover, depression is a condition that makes an individual feel miserable, have no motivation to any activity that can influence his or her views, actions, welfare. Furthermore, depressed individuals at times may feel sad, apprehensive, desperate, destitute, useless, awkward, short-tempered, and agitated. In addition, the melancholy of depression is categorized by a greater concentration and length that is attached to severe symptoms. According to Wedding & Corsini (2014) states, “Physical disease, severe and acute stress, and chronic stress area also precipitating factors” (Pp. 240) of an individu... ... middle of paper ... ... Behavioral Therapy of Depression: Theory, treatment, and empirical status. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 54(2), 257-62. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.library.capella.edu/docview/213172059?accountid=27965 Moran, M. (2011). Overlooked Psychotherapy Effective in Depression. Psychiatric News, 46(8), 1-1, 28. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.library.capella.edu/docview/864089271?accountid=27965 Shaw, B. F. (1977). Comparison of Cognitive Therapy and Behavior Therapy in the Treatment of Depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 45(4), 543-551. doi:10.1037/0022-006X.45.4.543 Wedding, D., & Corsini, R. (2014). Current Psychotherapies. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Williamson, J. S. (2008). Depression. Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 88(1), 18-18, 24. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.library.capella.edu/docview/235187495?accountid=27965

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