Essay On Concentration Camps

534 Words2 Pages

On September 1 in 1939, Germany with Hitler in charge attacked their neighbor country Poland. This was the beginning of a war that was to become the most comprehensive war in the history, so far, the World War II. During the next 6 years, concentration camps were built, houses and cities destroyed, and millions of people killed, most of them Jews. Before the War finally ended in 1945 Germany occupied on last country. On march 19 1944, they occupied Hungary, and in May 1944 they deported all the Jews to Aushwitz-Birkenau.

In order for the Germans to deport the Hungarian Jews to Aushwitz- Birkenau, they had to prepare the camps. The machines that were used to exterminate the Jews were renewed and expanded. This was done after the SS Administrators orders. The goal was to make everything go faster and be more effective. Cruel, strong-minded people, also known as “the experts” were brought in, and hired to supervise and make sure everything went well with the extermination. The whole SS-Staff was reinforced as well, and a rail rode spur was built leading directly into the camp. Becaus...

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