Essay On Coaching Philosophy

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The goal of this university is to help student-athletes through this ever-changing transition through college. Notice that student is before athlete that is because academic’s and the well being of the student need to be put first. The philosophy of this university and all that make up this university should put the student first. The development of each student athlete should be priority. While each athlete is uniquely different there is no doubt that you as a coach or team manager will be put on a pedestal and seen as a role model.
Each coaching philosophy will be different but these two major tasks must be considered before one is developed. First, you as a leader must develop greater self-awareness. As a leader one must have direction …show more content…

This is key because your objectives will shape your role as a coach and your behavior. Your behavior as a coach is always being watched and copied by athletes the behavior that is demonstrated will mostly like the behavior that your athletes will demonstrate. Even if it is not the behavior the coach is looking for.
Another step into developing a successful coaching philosophy understanding the “three selves” first is your ideal self, then your public self and real self. Your ideal self is the person you would like to be and it represents your values and sense of right and wrong. Your ideal self is what you expect out of yourself this is typically based off of moral principles. These are acquired from family and other important people in your life, and through self-reflection.
Your public self is the image that you believe that other have of you. From this you want others to respect, love you and help you with your goals you plan to achieve. If others think badly of you this will effect they way in which the treat you. Your real self is the sum of your thoughts, feelings and needs that you see as being authentic to you. Other can come to know your real self by interacting with you. Seeing your self accurately requires insight and effects your

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