Essay On Becoming A Pediatrician

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Becoming A Pediatrician
What is a pediatrician, exactly? A pediatrician is medical doctor who manages the physical, behavioral, and mental health of children from birth until age 21. Becoming a pediatrician gives a person an opportunity to become something people are not. The person pursuing their job will train to diagnose and treat a huge range of childhood illnesses from minor health problems to serious diseases. The excitement of helping children and adolescents will set in after their first few appointments and then they can become a real professional in their jobs. As their job grows, they will find that it only becomes easier when they adapt to the routine and with little surprises along the way. The salary at first will not be what the student pursuing the job expected, but it will grow as the experience also grows. A career in medicine is rewarding for people with patience and those who enjoy helping young children, because pediatricians are doctors who specialize in caring and checking up on children.

A career in pediatrics is difficult but the most important step in becoming a pediatrician is getting accepted into medical school. (Quality and Education & Jobs 1) The only reason getting into medic Becoming a pediatrician requires lots of educational requirements. The whole education process begins at high school. In order to become a pediatrician, you will need to complete a 4-year college degree prior to entering medical school. You will then spend four years working toward a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) or Doctor of Osteopathy (D.O.) degree. The first two years of medical school are largely comprised of classroom and laboratory learning, while the last two years involve clinical experience under the supervision of li...

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... Also, there is a high opportunity of advancement in the job area. One bug drawback is the Long hours it takes to be a good pediatrician. They have to take multiple test to see what their rank is in the programs they take and whether not they get acceted for jobs. Also, another factor of long hours is the schooling time. In average, it takes about 11 to 12 years to become a certified pediatrician. The length of time stops many people from becoming a pediatrician. But it is still worth it. Pediatricians have the unique opportunity to call kids their only patients, and for many of them, it’s hard to imagine a career more rewarding than one that makes a child feel better. Having patience, enjoying to help young children, and interacting with patients is very rewarding, because pediatricians are doctors who specialize in caring and checking up on children.

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