Essay On Advantages And Disadvantages Of The SAAFDA

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Another disadvantage for nations in the SADC is the lack of jobs available and growing unemployment rate. Southern African development community SADC business law handbook states, “Unemployment remains high in the region, with less than 49 per cent of the labour force engaged in modern sector employment i.e. non-agricultural wage employment” (Publications, 2007, p. 21). While this has been a goal set in place there obviously has been continued stifled success as AIDS and other deadly diseases have overcome the nations in the SADC and individuals are unable to continue to work and live the lives they once desired. The new goal could be to educate the nations on prevention and take more action to help those who are suffering and find jobs for …show more content…

The SADC doesn’t have anything as formal set in place in order to handle future disputes that may occur with trades or disagreements on moving forward in future goals. There must be more guidelines in place for the SADC nations if they desire to have more nations join. The future goals of each agreement are similar in hopes of economic health and individual stability for all members of each nation. There are many difficulties for the SADC nations as they have fifteen members who are trying to work together and share the same goals and …show more content…

The benefits that the SADC provide to each member are extensive in comparison to other possible FTA’s. For example, Free Trade Agreements and the SADC Economies. Journal of African Economics states, “Some SADC economies are slightly hurt by the FTA between the EU and South Africa, while others gain slightly” (Lewis, 2003). With fifteen members in the SADC and only a select five consisting of Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, and Swaziland being part of the EU there are tensions in regard to benefits select nations are further receiving in terms of trade. These economies are being strengthened with the EU’s trade agreement and overall the SADC nations can further benefit as

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