Sizism Essay

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Through the article “Sizism – One for the Last ‘Safe’ Prejudices” by Sally E. Smith, I discovered that sizism really affects many aspects of one’s everyday life, such as job opportunities, travel issues, and the way people view a “person of size” in general (86-88). Smith uses many of these to prove how much sizism is not as safe or acceptable as one may think. Although with all that Smith has proposed, I honestly do not feel that it is as big of an issue as she makes it. I do believe that the media really depicts what beauty is “supposed to look like,” which is being thin or muscular, but to some people being “fat,” as Smith would put it, is just as beautiful. Personally, I really do not like the word "fat," I prefer the term overweight or the politically correct term “people of size.” Throughout Smith’s article, she refers to “people of size” as “big,” “heavy,” or “fat” people (86-88). She uses all of these snarl words to bring a negative connotation and generalize that people view overweight people this way. Smith also implies that being overweight does not only limit the person by just his or her appearance, but factors such as capabilities and endurance should apply. For example, when she explains that "fat" people are discriminated to get jobs strictly because of their weight, the first thing that comes to my mind is modeling (86). Stereotypically, I picture a lobby full of slender women and brawny men, who are waiting for their name to be called for getting the part in a lingerie advertisement. Then, I see an overweight woman walk in, and everyone is staring, chuckling, and whispering, making her feel out of place, but now that is diminishing and there are plus sized models. I also I thought about the article “United Sta... ... middle of paper ... ...onses associated to being overweight, even though in reality weight is not the whole issue. Sometimes because these children are bigger they are the bullies to smaller children. And what about those children who are picked on because they are too tiny in size? I found that in all of these reasons, Smith only says that they (the oppositional side) are discriminating against "fat" people, but she refrains from going deeper to present why they do it. Sadly, there are some people do discriminate against the “people of size.” Although just because something is done, like a policy revision or disqualification to a job, due to a person’s weight, one should look deeper into the reason why it is done. Do not always misinterpret this as discrimination, because it could possibly be done to benefit that person in the end. Maybe even ensure his or her safety in a time of crisis.

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