Essay About Pablo Picasso

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What would the world look like with out art? I don’t know, because we don’t have to find out. We are lucky to have brilliant artist who had the ability to shape the history of mankind. The most prolific of them all seemed to be Pablo Picasso. Pablo Picasso is probably one of the most influential individuals in the art world to date, without some of his work; art today would have a completely different face. The passion he ingrained onto the canvas and in his artwork had the power to invoke emotions from audiences around the world. Picasso was responsible for artwork like “Guernica”, “The old guitarist”, “The blue room Picasso”, and my personal favorite “portrait of daniel-henry kahnweiler”, these are only a few examples but the list goes on. …show more content…

The story’s say his first words were lapis, meaning pencil, his dad took him out to draw birds on occasion and it was there he saw the potential in his son Pablo. José Ruiz y Blasco, Picasso’s father, was also a well-known Spanish painter and a teacher of art and seeing his son had the gift, he immediately started training the young Picasso in the trade of art and he excelled rapidly. By the time Picasso reaches the age of 16 he had pretty much mastered classical art it its purity and went on to find his own style. Picasso moved to Paris with is best friend and fellow artist Carlos Casagemas. At the time Paris was the Vegas or Amsterdam of the world an the two were living like there was no tomorrow, but it was here Casagemas fell in love with a young lady named Germaine Pichot but she did not love him. They had a good relationship, but Germaine found out Casagemas was impatient and wanted more than just a platonic relationship, so she left him, and one night at a bar in the city Casagemas invited all of his friends out, he got really drunk, and attempted to kill Germaine with a gun he had hidden in his pocket. Casagemas was so drunk he missed, but he turned the pistol on himself and said, “This one is for me.” Casagemas died on February 17, 1901. After his friends’ death, Picasso reviled in the world his first and newest …show more content…

It seemed as if the thriving artist has an insatiable sex drive which in a strange way inspired a lot of his art. Picasso seemed to have an eye for young beautiful girls half his age, like Olga Khokhlova who was 17 when Picasso started to date her, Françoise Gilot who was 21 when he was 61, and even his last wife Jacqueline Roque who was 27 years old and Picasso 72. Françoise Gilot, Picassos last wife, seemed to be the one he was always liking for, their relationship lasted 11 years until the death of Picasso. Françoise Gilot was completely dedicated to Picasso and Picasso was dedicated to her. Françoise had such a strong bond with Picasso when he died she fell into a depression and four years following she commuted suicide because she could not image being apart from him any

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